December 10, 2021 - June 3, 2022 -- PJ Day has exceeded $600,000 for the year, and we're still counting! 

Wear PJs—Support Kids with Cancer.

PJ Day is fun, simple to execute and deeply impactful within school and business communities. We provide everything you need to pitch the event to your PTO, principal or boss. The official state-recognized PJ Day is the second Friday in December, but you can schedule a date, September through June, that works best for your school or business calendar.

As long as children are battling cancer and our expert staff are treating them, the Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders needs your support. We can all stand together with kids battling cancer.

Since 2011, more than $1.4 million has been raised in support of Connecticut Children's Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders, with more than $398,000 raised in 2020-21 alone. Together, $1 (or more) at a time, we are making a difference!