Minimize Tax. Maximize Giving.
Giving securities or mutual funds to Connecticut Children’s helps our health system and can have significant financial benefits to you. Please consult your financial advisor and Lauren McGill, Connecticut Children’s Foundation at 860-837-5718 before initiating your gift. Our Tax ID is #22-2619869.
Your gift of stock can be transferred to the account of Connecticut Children’s Foundation by providing the following transfer instructions to your broker. Stock gifts will be liquidated within two (2) business days. The value to the donor of a gift of appreciated stock is calculated by using the fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift. Fair market value is the mean of the high and low price on the day that it leaves the donor’s account.
- For DTC Eligible Securities
*When making a transfer please include the donor’s name.
DTC Account Number #0955
Bank of America
A/C #42161000068837, Connecticut Children’s Foundation, Inc.
Attn: Chelsea A. Craig, (860) 244-4871, Chelsea.Craig [at] (Chelsea[dot]Craig[at]bofa[dot]com)
Transfer procedures and instructions for MUTUAL FUNDS differ from those for stock. If you would like to transfer Mutual Funds, please contact Lauren McGill at 860-837-5718 or by lmcgill [at] (sub: Securities_Inquiry) (email). Please note that additional time is required to transfer Mutual Funds.
Wire cash donations directly to Connecticut Children’s Foundation by providing detailed instructions to your banker. For domestic or international wiring instructions, please call 860-837-5700 or email foundation [at] (foundation[at]connecticutchildrens[dot]org).
IRA owners who are age 70-1/2 or more may be able to make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) from an IRA to support Connecticut Children’s. More information on how to make a gift tax-free with an IRA is available on our resource page. Please let us know of your gift by contacting Lauren McGill at 860-837-5718 or by lmcgill [at] (email).
You should consult your attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your tax deduction(s), capital gains, etc. This summarization should not be depended upon for other than broadly informational purposes. Specific questions should be referred to a qualified tax professional.
Giving appreciated stock to Connecticut Children’s just makes sense. I can help children and support a cause that means the world to me, and I avoid capital gains. It’s a win-win decision.
Gregory P., Donor, Connecticut Children's Foundation, Inc.
Cora's Story
Two-year-old Cora was born with a different sort of heart. It had only one big blood vessel coming out of it instead of the usual two arteries—one for the lungs and one for the body. This rare condition, called truncus arteriosus, upsets the body’s oxygen supply system and is fatal if untreated. Fortunately, the specialists at Connecticut Children’s Vincent J. Dowling Cardiovascular Care Center spotted it early. They were able to create a comprehensive plan to correct the problem. Cora went through two separate open-heart surgeries and two catheterization procedures to hold open an artery. And today, she is a lively two-year-old who loves music and who can look forward to a long, healthy life.


Superhero Sunday 5K & Community Bash
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Geno for the Kids Charity Dinner
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Geno for the Kids Charity Golf Tournament
At Geno for the Kids, we're driven by a simple yet powerful belief: every child deserves a chance at a healthier, brighter future. Led by Coach Geno...
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